Home 2021
Tuesday, Nov 30 UPDATE

The results are in for 2021. Congrats to all of our EOCX category winners:
Under 11 Girls |
Senior Women |
Tuesday, Nov 23 UPDATE

Well, that’s a wrap for the EOCX 2021 racing season. Final standing results are up, use the Category dropdown to sort by category. If you still have your race chip please drop off at the Cyclery when you can. Despite the restrictions and a shortened calendar we’re pleased how it turned out, all things considered. Hope everyone had fun. The race directors are already cooking up ways to make the race season bigger and better for next year.

Thursday, Nov 18 UPDATE
Map for the last race of the season, at Conlon Park, Perth. This is one of my favourite venues. Looks decent for volunteers to setup but we could always use 2 or 3 more.

Friday, Nov 12 UPDATE
Heading into the home stretch for the season. Thanks to everyone who signed in for Renfrew course setup. We’ve got all we need for that venue but still looking for about 10-15 for Perth the week after. Your contributions are vital to making sure we have a successful event.

Here’s your course for Ma-te-way Park. It’s busy; we’re gonna need a lot of tape. Please note that the kids’ course will cut over right after the finish line and will avoid the big hill.
Wednesday, Nov 10 UPDATE

EOCX racers! You got off easy so far this year for volunteering for course setup. Vince and the Cyclery gang got out on the Fridays before to do layout at all the previous venues. But that isn’t an option for the next race in Renfrew at Ma-te-way Park and the following event in Perth at Conlon Park.
So, we’re going to need about 15-20 people to be onsite by 7am for each of the events Sunday, November 14 and Sunday, November 21 to help with course setup. Aiming to be finished by 8:30am or earlier. Please let me know if you can help with either by emailing easternontariocyclocross@gmail.com and specifying which date and how many helpers.
Friday, Nov 5 UPDATE

Your Kin Vineyards race course. Please note parking lot in the lower field not up by the winery buildings.
Monday, Nov 1 UPDATE

Heads up! We’ve shifted the race day time changes to help with course teardown and based on the upcoming time change. This will be in effect for the last three races of the season. Please check the Race Day schedule to confirm changes to your start times.
Thursday, Oct 21 UPDATE

Thursday, Oct 14 UPDATE

We’re still navigating new racing territory and updating as we go along. We have a few announcements to make regarding rules and categories:
- Helmets must be worn at all times if you’re riding your bikes before, during, and after races. This is part of the OCA mandate to enhance safety for all participants and set a good example for the young ones.
Woodlands Beach
- Dogs are not permitted at this venue per park rules for the Oct 17 and 24 events.
Category changes
With all the new schedule and category changes we’re now allowing race/category transfers under the following conditions:
- All riders must submit their request by Thursday, October 14th by 7:00pm, NO EXCEPTIONS, one time chance only. You must stay in the same race for the rest of the season.
- Rider must qualify for race they are requesting to be in. You can go up a category but not down (i.e. Senior or Master A rider cannot race in Master B race etc)
- Race directors will do their best to review and consider requests but there’s no guaranteed of change
Please email easternontariocyclocross@gmail.com with the following info:
- Race you are currently in
- Your rider number
- Official category listed on OCA or UCI license
- Race you want to move to
Thursday, Oct 7 UPDATE

Numbers and timing chip pickup
Number pickups will be happening on Saturday, October 9 between 1 and 5pm in the parking lot of the Scotiabank at 1145 Bank St.
You MUST have proof of license. You can pick up for other racers as long as you also have their proof of licence proof. Please wear a mask for pick up. Look for Jodi tailgating in a grey Acura MDX.
Note: timing chip holders are not included. If you need one they will be $5 cash (preferred—please bring exact change) or etransfer.
PS: if you are unable to make this then you can pick numbers up at the first race you attend.
Wednesday, Oct 6 UPDATE
For those that missed registration it’s reopened until 10PM tonight, Wed Oct 6.
Monday, Oct 4 UPDATE

Location: Please take a look at the tentative course for RACE #1 October 10 Augusta Motorsport Park at 7313 Dixon Road, Brockville and take note of the areas where you can and cannot go.
Numbers: pick-up will only be Saturday, Oct 9. Details to follow. If you are unable to attend, you can pick up numbers and timing chip at the race
Sunday, Sept 26 UPDATE

TL;DR version:
- Registration is OPEN for one week, starting Sunday, Sept 26th at 6pm until Sunday, Oct 3 at midnight. https://ccnbikes.com/#!/events/2021-eastern-ontario-cyclocross-series-registration
- Numbers will be available to pick up before the first event at a location TBD. If you can’t pick up before that, then we will have someone available in an isolated area at the event itself.
- Limits of 100 per race. We’ve added a race so this will spread numbers out a bit. This means that if a category fills up you will still have a chance to race—but up a category, not down, provided there’s space available. To help manage this process, we will reopen registration for 48hrs after the Oct 3 close date.
- Sorry, no cancellations, no refunds, nor transfers of registrations.
- RACE #1 — October 10 — Augusta Motorsport Park at 7313 Dixon Road, Brockville
- RACE # 2 — October 17 — Woodlands Beach, Long Sault Parkway, South Stormont
- RACE #3 — October 24th — Woodlands Beach, Long Sault Parkway, South Stormont
- OFF — October 31 — CX Provincial Championships, Milton
- RACE # 4 — November 7 — Kin Vineyards, Carp
- RACE # 5 — November 14 — Ma-te-way Park, Renfrew
- RACE # 6 — November 21 — Conlon Park, Perth
Longer version:
In order to comply as best we can with the variety and sometimes confusing COVID guidelines we have decided on the following restrictions to accommodate people as best we can. These rules MUST be followed without exception to allow proper compliance of rules, to keep the cycling community as safe as we can, and to allow individuals and racing families to show up together. We will try to keep the schedule as best as possible with the aim of preventing overlap of participants and excess groups gathering. Please note for this year we are trying to stress to riders to avoid staying for unnecessary lengths of time at the event. See the updated RACE DAY schedule
- No other riders are allowed on the course at any time for any reason aside from their published warm-up and race times.
- No one should be within 2m of the course, including riding beside the course, except for those in the immediate race / warm-up time.
- Maps of the race course and selected parking areas will be posted well in advance of the events to ensure people are fully aware of the event layout. We encourage that the secondary parking lot is used for parents with kids in the kids race. This will be marked on the race map.
- Riders may be pulled early from their race if final lap will be deemed too long and disrupt timelines.
- Only riders/persons registered for the season are allowed on event grounds. No spectators please. Exception is 1 parent accompanying a minor (if a parent registered for the event is not present) and approved volunteers. All individuals must complete the Canatrace screening prior to entry onto the venue.
- Any riders who have arrived at times outside of their warm-up or race slots will be asked to remain in the parking area or away from the race course.
- Please wear a mask for safety if you are not racing.
- No congregating at the start or finish lines (riders or non-riders), except for warm-up or race start. Gear drop can be collected from the start line by the riders at the end of their race.
- Riders preparing to pre-ride cannot be anywhere on course or near the finish line before their warm-up period begins. Riders must stage at the start line wearing a mask before starting to pre-ride (no getting onto course from the finish line, or any other area, after the last rider finishes). Riders will be told when warm-up on course can begin. At that time, masks can be removed.
- Riders are expected to wear a mask in the starting area. They can be removed just before the race begins.
- Tents are permitted however please avoid larger group gatherings. Permission must be obtained as to where a tent can be placed at the venue.
Thursday, Sept 23 UPDATE
We’re planning to get registration up and running for Sept 27 until Oct 3. After this it will be closed due to the season-only option. Timing chip holders are not included in reg costs and can be purchased separately for $5 (cash, exact amount please) when you pick up your numbers.
Contact Tracing QR Code
This is the Canatrace scan all participants must fill out the day of EACH event. It will also be available onsite at each race. Scanning is mandatory and you may be asked to see the check mark verification.
If you are using your phone, or tablet and are bringing it to the race, you can click here on the day of the race to begin the questionnaire. Some older phones do not scan QR codes, and the link above will take you to the questionnaire. Warning, if you do the questionnaire a day ahead of the race, the certificate will expire and you’ll have to redo the questionnaire when you arrive.
Tuesday, Sept 14 UPDATE

We’re getting closer! Planning for a six-race series starting Oct 10 going to Nov 21 with last week of Oct off for provincials. Locations and details to follow.
Here’s an update that confirms many of the points raised in a previous post:
- We have decided that there will only be series registration, no single day sign ups. Licence requirements to follow.
- Race times and category slots may change based on venue and field sizes
- There will be field limits in place during registration per category. **Riders may not change category unless approved by the organizer (Vince or Jodi) prior to registration. Priority to field limits will be given to proper rider categories. *Details to follow*
- Only riders participating in the allotted race time will be allowed on the venue grounds. NO early arrivals or spectators will be permitted on site FOR ANY REASON So watch who you are car pooling with
- There will be a longer break time between races to allow riders to immediately leave after their race and allow upcoming riders to enter the grounds and warm up.
- No tents or team/club gathering locations will be allowed as the 2m public rule will be in effect.
- We are working on a solution for the parental accompany for youths in the kids series. At this time a restriction may be in place that only 1 parent may be allowed with their child to keep on site numbers within guidelines.
- Canatrace will be set up with barcode available on the website. must be completed morning of each event.
- Each venue has some unique restrictions that must be followed, details will be placed on the website once all sites are confirmed. Please refer to them prior to attending.
We will be putting a call out for volunteers that will be needed all day to help monitor some of the rulings etc. Please contact Vince if you are able to help. NOTE: some work will be needed in that racing “in between” helping will not be possible.
Volunteer process may change as we can set up some courses a day early as they are on private grounds. Day of set up help will be needed for a couple of venues. We will put a call out for that accordingly
These are tight restrictions that we’re sorry to say does take a bit of the fun out of a great all day race experience but we must follow them or risk being shut down. In the end the fun will be in the racing itself.
Tuesday, Aug 31 UPDATE
Alright ‘cross racers, some of the info you’ve been waiting for.
This won’t be easy and you need to be prepared. (The good stuff is worth the effort, right?) A lot is not final with regard to venues and the OCA so we’ll update you as more info comes in.
Prevention and precautions
- Racers will be required to download and use the Canatrace app
- For each event, participants must fill out the app-based covid questionnaire and show status to gain entry
- Masking not mandatory in open areas (for now), but likely required to mask up in the starting area and maintain 3m separation on the starting grid
- No masks needed during the race itself
- NO day of sign ups
- Registration will be season purchase only
- You will get numbers to use at all events
Crowd size
- We must minimize group gathering and close contact at all the events
- We recommend carpooling with people for one designated race-time only
- No “hanging around,” coming early to warm up on course, heckling other racers etc
- Spectators are discouraged, or may not even be permitted at all, as this will affect our max #s permitted onsite at some venues. EXCEPTIONS of course for parents with children doing events.
Calendar and race times
- Still working on list of venues and dates — TBD
- Schedule and categories may change in order to keep max persons per event within guidelines
- With these added protocols, we will most likely need volunteers for the entire event to monitor Canatrace apps and to control participant access
We’ll get thru this and back to normal soon enough (fingers ‘crossed).
Friday, July 16 Calendar ANNOUNCEMENT

but the wheels survive.” ―Eddard Stark
EOCX has put in an expression of interest to resume racing in the fall, 2021. Our proposal is for an eight-race series starting October 3rd thru to November 21. That is the plan anyways, but we still have a long way to go before we can race. Stay tuned.
Keep up on announcements and discussion on the Ottawa Cyclocross Facebook page
For kids ages 5-18, a fun and friendly cyclocross program is offered by the Ottawa Bicycle Club. Practices run throughout September in preparation for the EOCX races. For information please visit the OBC Youth Cyclocross information page.
Questions? Contact us at easternontariocyclocross@gmail.com